9th Circuit Keeps 3M PFAS Case in Federal Court

The Orange County Water District, along with several other cities, sued 3M and other companies in California state court in 2020, alleging their operations polluted the local surface water and groundwater with PFAS. 3M removed the state complaint to federal court in 2021, arguing that at least some PFAS releases were the result of product…

Environmental Groups in North Carolina Revive Lawsuit Seeking Chemours Testing on 54 PFAS

In 2020, the Center for Environmental Health and other groups petitioned EPA to require Chemours to conduct studies on 54 different per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, they contend are putting hundreds of thousands of North Carolina residents at risk. The Trump administration rejected the petition in January 2021, and the groups filed their complaint…

California Groundwater Agency PFAS Lawsuit Joins South Carolina MDL

The Water Replenishment District of Southern California claims that DuPont, 3M, and others polluted Los Angeles County’s drinking water. The District intends to spend $43 million to build plants that will remediate PFAS pollution, according to the complaint, and seeks to recover damages the District alleges they caused through the production of PFAS, including investigation,…

Suit Filed Over Orange County, California PFAS Contamination

The Orange County Water District and other area water districts filed suit against 3M, DuPont, Corteva, Inc, and Decra Roofing Systems over PFAS contamination in local water supplies.  Decra Roofing Systems, a California-based company. The water districts allege nuisance, negligence, and products liability claims against the defendants and seek damages, injunctive relief, attorneys fees and…

3M and DuPont Argue for Dismissal of Nuisance Claims in California PFAS Case

Defendants 3M and DuPont have asked the Central District of California to dismiss Golden State Water Company’s public nuisance claims. 3M and DuPont argue the complaint fails to sufficiently show they caused the harms alleged. Defendants also argue that Plaintiff lacks the exclusive possession of property necessary to sustain a trespass claim, and that Plaintiff’s…